Saturday, September 13, 2008

September 2008 News and pictures...

Logan versus the brownie...

First day of school and everyone wants to be in the picture.

First day of school 2008

Isaac's first day of second grade.

Olivia's first day of kindergarten.

After playing in the garden, Logan decides he can't wait to get into the bathtub.

How many shots does it take to get one where everyone is looking ahead and smiling? Here's a sample of what it takes to get one good shot. We are getting ready to go to a birthday party.

Who's the biggest HAM in our family? Well it's a tie between Logan and Savanna.


Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures Kelly. Hope you are all well and especially you with the baby and all.
Love Aunt Pam

Anonymous said...

so cute! thanks for the ride the other night. It was nice to get together and chat :)

Tami @ This Mom's Delight said...

You have a beautiful bunch!

Crystal said...

Your family is beautiful, we have alot in common. We have three bio. daighters and two sons that happen to be adopted. They were both born in Africa. We are in Muskegon : ) God Bless you!!!